Managing your Productions


The “Productions” tab is used to create and manage your productions. It is the default tab which is visible when you first login to Quick Chits.

Click the name of a production to manage the Shoots, Users and NDAs.

Walkthrough: Adding a production

Click the green plus button to create a new production. You will need to give it a Name and an (optional) Location. You can leave location blank.

The Commission value specifies the agency commission you are charging for each chit. This information is not visible to production staff.

The Agreement dropdown allows you to choose the payment rate structure for your chits. The “Custom” option can be used to create ad-hoc rates e.g. on micro productions.

The Terms & Conditions must be accepted by artists in order to confirm the chit / remittance. These terms are in addition to the NDA (both must be confirmed by the artist). You may leave this field blank if you wish

The Private Notes field allows you to record notes for agency staff. These notes are not visible to production staff

Walkthrough: Edit a production

Click the yellow edit button to change the properties of a production

Walkthrough: Remove a production

Click the red delete button to remove a production

Walkthrough: Assign production users to a production

Click the name of the production to view shoots, users and NDAs. Then click the “Production Users” sub-tab. Use the green plus to assign existing users to the production.

New production users can be created via the main Users tab

Walkthrough: Creating & Viewing Non-Disclosure Agreements

For help with this please refer to the Managing NDAs section